= Valor yet struggle, Aggression, defiance, conviction
Valour during struggle, striving to stand your ground and maintain your work, yet unsure of your actions. Look within and seek clarity concerning which arena you wish to place your energies, and whether it is best to continue your current projects.
Take a firm stand. Believe in your position and yourself.
being aggressive
going after what you want asserting yourself taking the offensive firing the first shot fighting making your point forcefully seizing the advantage
being defiant
holding out against pressure defending your position opposing all challengers combating criticism refusing to yield saying "No!" resisting authority
showing conviction
being sure having a fixed position demonstrating strong character standing up for what you believe knowing you are right acting resolutely being firm
9: Nine of Pentacles
= Wealth, Disagreement, competition, hassles
Plenty, success, reward, comfort, financial well being, good management of material affairs, accumulation of wealth, and appreciation of beauty.
If you're to achieve your best efforts, show restrain and self-contral like "Our elegant lady".
being disciplined
exercising self-control showing restraint reining in impulses sacrificing to reach a goal sticking to a program taking a step-by-step approach
relying on yourself
handling the situation alone acting on your own falling back on your own resources doing it all by yourself wanting to be alone feeling sure your way is best
pursuing refinement
achieving a comfortable lifestyle avoiding the coarse and unsavory being tactful and diplomatic seeking high-minded activities enjoying the finer things of life remembering to be gracious enjoying leisure
Emotional depression, loss, sadness. Weep and grieve to release the inner disappointment. Yet two CUPS are still full, and the bridge over the river in the background shows that a new path is not far away.
suffering a loss
letting go of a hope giving up the win experiencing a setback being defeated having a possession taken away saying good-bye
feeling bereft
breaking up a relationship feeling deprived of love longing to be reunited grieving feeling sorrow
feeling regret
being disappointed by events crying over spilt milk wanting to turn back the clock wishing for what might have been believing you made the wrong choice acknowledging mistakes
Q: Which suits are represented?
Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?
Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?
Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully.
Your energies are balanced and harmonious. You will be fortunate and secure with material matters such as finding a suitable job or a place to live. The EMPRESS is ruled by Venus, who can suggest material reward, but only with the understanding that riches go with a generous and open spirit.
giving birth nourishing life nurturing and caring for others cherishing the world expressing tenderness working with children
welcoming abundance
enjoying extravagance receiving lavish reward luxuriating in plenty having more than enough feeling rich
experiencing the senses
giving and receiving pleasure focusing on the body appreciating beauty feeling vibrantly healthy being earthy doing physical activity
responding to Nature
relating to plants and animals embracing the natural feeling connected to the Earth going outdoors harmonizing with natural rhythms
5: Five of Wands
= Strife, Disagreement, competition, hassles
Competition, chaos, petty problems, and struggle. There are problems concerning what your wish to do. You are held back, imprisoned, or overwhelmed. There is little support for your actions. It is time to check your ego. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. need extra patience and extra effort to get to the point.
feeling everyone is at cross-purposes being torn by dissension quarreling, arguing and bickering becoming embroiled in a debate being at odds with others quibbling over details
experiencing competition
feeling the thrill of the contest going against an opponent rising to the challenge being involved in a game or sport trying to outdo yourself going for the gold looking for a fight having a rival being challenged by an upstart
experiencing hassles
getting annoyed by demands having minor setbacks needing to take care of details suffering from irritations being bothered by trivialities
3: Three of Pentacles
= Good work, hard work, Teamwork, planning, competence
There is work to be accomplished. Dedicated labor, positive and constructive energy, and completing a task will result in a skillful job well done.
your "Mission Impossible" to accomplish!
working as a team
coordinating with others finding all the needed elements functioning as a unit getting the job done together contributing to the group cooperating combining efforts
organizing resources following a schedule operating in the know nailing down the details being an ant, not a grasshopper reviewing beforehand going over possible problems being prepared
being competent
getting the job done carrying out an assignment well meeting your goals proving your ability achieving more than what's expected knowing what to do and how to do it being up to the job
Q: Which suits are represented?
Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?
Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?
Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully.