1: Ace of Wands
= Do, action, Creative force, enthusiasm, confidence, courage
A new door has opened, a marvelous arena to express your creative energies. Utilize passion, strength, enthusiasm, creativity, drive, aggression, and ambition to open the door of opportunity and succeed. Also indicated are love of life, sexual energy, and passion.
expanding your potential
opening to greater possibilities
conceiving a dream
expressing yourself
stimulating your imagination
allowing a talent to unfold
coming up with a solution
creating an aura of excitement
being ready to tackle the world
inspiring others
sustaining optimism
giving 110%
feeling assured of your abilities
being sure of success
having high self-esteem
having faith in your path
knowing things will work out
going beyond your limits
being true to your beliefs
daring to take a stand
facing your fears
going for it
14: King of Wands
= Strength, respect and successful enterprise, positive fire energy, enthusiastic, daring
Strength, respect, successful enterprise, and maturity. You are in control. The path ahead is clear for dynamic and victorious action. Success is attained by cultivating and expressing masculine energy.
opens up new areas of experience
has natural artistic ability
uses self-expression for useful purposes
masterminds new strategies
is original and inventive
creates an atmosphere of excitement
sets an example others want to follow
instills confidence
is a powerful, natural leader
has a commanding presence
is assertive when necessary
earns respect and willing compliance
carries authority naturally
enjoys making the gesture with flair
naturally becomes the focus of attention
magnetically attracts others
is watched, imitated and talked about
is willing to take chances when the stakes are high
confronts opposition directly
dares to stand and be different
is unconcerned with what others think
has the courage of his or her convictions
3: Three of Wands
= Virtuous actions, Exploration, foresight, leadership
Seeking new adventures and opportunities. Wanting to explore options. Time to find a new way of being.
going in quest of new adventure
expanding horizons
leaving the secure behind
tackling something different
looking for greater possibilities
planning ahead
knowing what to expect
getting a premonition
anticipating obstacles
taking the long view
taking the main role
providing needed direction
rallying the group behind you
assuming a responsible position
setting an example
serving as a representative
Q: Which suits are represented?
Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?
Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?
Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully.
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