Monday, May 14, 2012

V. Day 5

1: Ace of Swords
= Think, Metal force, truth, justice, fortitude

Inspiration and epiphany. A new idea or attitude which cuts away confusion. There is clarity of mind, sharp focus, and open communication. Everything is perceived with a different light and expanded consciousness. This could manifest as returning to school, writing a book, or expanding your level of perception. 

using mental force
being objective
thinking your way through
finding out the facts
analyzing the situation
using your intellect
applying logic and reason
having fortitude
overcoming adversity
facing problems
resolving a situation
finding the strength to overcome
surmounting obstacles
being undaunted by setbacks
seeking justice
righting a wrong
championing a cause
doing what is right
establishing the truth
accepting responsibility
wanting what is fair
proceeding with truth
dispelling doubts
cutting through confusion
seeing through illusions
having clear understanding
being honest
finding out what is real

7: Seven of Cups
= Debauchery, chaos, Wishful thinking, options, dissipation

Unrealistic desires and goals. Wishful thinking. Immature whims, daydreams, and silly imagination. A veil of confusion

For better or worse - this card says, "yes, order and hard work are nice, but ,,,,isn't it more fun to just everything go?" - Look carefully. Your situation is disorders/ chaotic. Tighten up your life and commit yourself to doing what it takes to reach your goals. 

indulging in wishful thinking
creating fantasies
getting caught up in illusions
letting your imagination run wild
kidding yourself about the facts
building castles in the air
waiting for your ship to come in
lacking focus and commitment
avoiding putting ideas to the test
having many options
being offered many alternatives
facing an array of choices
believing in limitless possibilities
looking at a wide open field
getting to pick and choose
falling into dissipation
letting everything go
becoming disorganized
eating/drinking/partying to excess
neglecting your health
entering into addictive patterns
being inclined toward indolence
being lazy

13: Death
= Ending, transformation, transition, elimination, inexorable forces

Accept the painful realization that things cannot continue in the same manner. You will not die, but the situation will die. Find solace in the face that DEATH precedes rebirth, and know that life itself is a series of deaths and rebirths. 

To grow, to move, to live - we must "die" to the old to give birth to the new

closing one door to open another
bringing something to a close
completing a chapter
concluding unfinished business
putting the past behind you
having a parting of the ways
going through transition
changing status
moving from the known to the unknown
being cast adrift
waiting in an in-between state
being in the middle
eliminating excess
cutting out what isn't necessary
shedding old attitudes
getting down to bare bones
concentrating on essentials
getting back to basics
experiencing inexorable forces
being in the path of sweeping change
being caught in the inescapable
going through what cannot be avoided
being part of a powerful movement
riding your fate
accepting the inevitable

Q: Which suits are represented?

Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?

Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?

Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully. 

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