10: Wheel of Fortune
= Expansion, luck, Destiny, turning point, movement, personal vision
Doors will open and all things will be much better than you can possible imagine. Prosperity will descend on you. You will evolve our of a situation that is getting you nowhere. Set your sights high, and Jupiter will set them even higher and deliver.
The Wheel of Fortune also represents unexpected encounters and twists of fate. You can't predict surprises; you can only be aware when one is circling around. Indeed, Card 10 often suggests wheel-like actions - changes in direction, repeating cycles and rapid movement. When the energy of the Wheel arrives, you will feel life speed up. You are caught in a cyclone that may deposit you anywhere. "Round and round and round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows."
seeing life's threads weave together
finding opportunity in an accident
opening to luck
sensing the action of fate
witnessing miracles
moving in a different direction
turning things around
having a change in fortune
altering the present course
being surprised at a turn of events
having the tempo of life speed up
being swept up in new developments
rejoining the world of activity
getting involved
becoming more aware
uncovering patterns and cycles
expanding your outlook
gaining greater perspective
discovering your role and purpose
8: Eight of Pentacles
= Prudence, pragmatism, Diligence, knowledge, detail
Steady growth, discipline, and focus. working towards a goal within your grasp.
This card can also show the need for meticulous attention. People who are painstaking are often dismissed as nit-pickers, but their extra effort ensures everything is as it should be. It's a matter of caring - taking the time to check the little details. Now is not the time to be slipshod or casual. Look for errors, and tie up loose ends. The key to success is an extraordinary effort. Whatever your task, the Eight of Pentacles tells you to give it your all in every way.
working hard
applying yourself totally
being absorbed in a project
dedicating yourself to a task
plugging away
producing steady results
learning a new craft or skill
receiving training
pursuing greater understanding
finding out the facts
increasing expertise
being extra careful
approaching a task methodically
getting down to the nitty-gritty
handling all the loose ends
checking and rechecking
noticing the fine points
5: Five of pentacles
= Worry, poverty, Hard times, ill health, rejection
Lack of money, scarcity, poverty, or bad health. Weak self-esteem. Financial counseling is in order.
The Five of Pentacles relates to material lack, but it also has a spiritual component. From the stained glass window, we can guess that these two figures are outside of a church. Comfort is so close at hand, but they fail to see it. The church symbolizes our spirits which are perfect and whole in every way. We are meant to enjoy abundance in all areas of life, but sometimes we forget that this is our birthright. Whenever you experience hardship, know that it is only temporary. Look for the spiritual center that will take you in and give you shelter.
losing a job or income
feeling insecure
going through a period of hardship
lacking what you need
struggling to make ends meet
refusing to take care of yourself
neglecting your body and its needs
feeling ragged around the edges
getting medical attention
abusing your body
having the door slammed in your face
taking an unpopular position
being ostracized
feeling excluded
standing alone
receiving disapproval
Q: Which suits are represented?
Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?
Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?
Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully.
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