Tuesday, May 15, 2012

V. Day 6

11: Page of Cups
= Good luck, fortunate news, opportunity, Be emotional, intuitive, intimate, loving. 

Good news, happiness, contentment, intuition, and playful creativity. 
He stands for Cupid/ a child or young-heart adult who bring you opportunities for love/ emotional needs, with a peaceful fish & a calm and gentle sea. 
Be Emotional
be moved or touched
let your feelings show
respond to beauty
be sentimental or romantic
shed your detachment
let your heart lead the way
Be Intuitive
receive guidance from within
act on a hunch
remember your dreams
have a psychic experience
experience direct knowing
trust your gut reaction
Be Intimate
start or renew a love affair
meet someone you're attracted to
get closer to someone
go beyond formalities
have a special moment of togetherness
solidify a friendship
share something personal
Be Loving
make a thoughtful gesture
express sympathy and understanding
forgive yourself
forgive someone who has hurt you
apologize to someone you have hurt

reach out and touch someone
mend a broken relationship
brighten someone's day
respond with caring rather than anger
refuse to judge or condemn

2: Two of Cups
= Love, partnership among equals, Connection, truce, attraction

Love amongsh equals, partnership, spiritual union, caring, intimacy, compassion, and harmony. Much time is spend at home because Cancer rules the home and hearth. The Goddess Venus blesses this union. 

making a connection
joining with another
celebrating a marriage or union
cementing a friendship
establishing a partnership
working together
helping and being helped
seeing commonalities
calling a truce
healing a severed relationship
bringing together opposites
letting bygones be bygones
coming to a satisfactory agreement
declaring peace
forgiving and forgetting
acknowledging an attraction
recognizing a bond that is developing
accepting your preferences
letting yourself be drawn in
moving toward
feeling a positive response

13: Queen of Swords
= Intelligence, keen perception; a person alone, transition, elimination, inexorable forces

Control of the mind and thought processes, keen perception, powerful intelligence, clear thought, and liberation of the mind. Traditionally, she denotes woman (or person) alone, not in a relationship. 

faces the truth, even if unpleasant
is up front with everyone
likes everything on the table
plays by the rules
avoids lies and deception
sizes up a situation quickly
understands hidden motives and desires
is difficult to fool, trick or con
figures out the unspoken rules and agendas
is quick on the uptake
is direct and open in all dealings
gets to the heart of the matter
acts without pretense or guile
is straightforward and no-nonsense
can be candid when necessary
has a delightful sense of humor
diffuses awkward situations with a funny remark
never takes anything too seriously
laughs at everything, including him or herself
has seen and done it all
has strength due to life's hard knocks
is free of self-righteous judgments
has realistic expectations

Q: Which suits are represented?

Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?

Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?

Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully. 

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