13: Death
= Ending, transformation, transition, elimination, inextorable forces.
Accept the painful realization that things cannot continue in the same manner. You will not die, but the situation will die. Find solace in the fact that DEATH precedes rebirth, and know that life itself is series of deaths and rebirths.
bringing something to a close
completing a chapter
concluding unfinished business
putting the past behind you
having a parting of the ways
moving from the known to the unknown
being cast adrift
waiting in an in-between state
being in the middle
shedding old attitudes
getting down to bare bones
concentrating on essentials
getting back to basics
being caught in the inescapable
going through what cannot be avoided
being part of a powerful movement
riding your fate
accepting the inevitable
12: Knight of Pentacles
= Stagnation, lull in activities, fallow fields, Unwavering/ stubborn, cautious/ unadventurous, though/ obsessive, realistic/ pessimistic, hardworking/ grinding
Life is slow , stagnation, lull in activity. The field is fallow. Be patient, persistent, dependable, and attend to detail.
will not quit..........digs into a position
stands firm against opposition..........must have his or her own way
stays fixed to a chosen course..........refuses to listen to reason
keeps true to personal convictions..........resists compromise
examines all angles beforehand..........misses chances by waiting
proceeds slowly and carefully..........is reluctant to try something new
prefers the safe, known path..........settles for safe, small gains
is prudent and careful..........is afraid of risking
is meticulous..........is too picky
wraps up all loose ends..........must have everything just so
never leaves a job half done..........is inflexible and compulsive
is painstaking..........insists on perfection
completes anything started..........can't leave well enough alone
faces the truth..........thinks others are dreamers
is not lured by false hopes..........sees a glass as half empty, not half full
assesses circumstances candidly..........takes the gloomy view
predicts problems in advance..........dooms a project from the start
is diligent and industrious..........can be humorless and grim
produces as much as two people..........sees playtime as wasteful
tackles any chore vigorously..........drives everyone too hard
is tireless and unflagging..........forgets life should be fun
12: Knight of Wands
= The path ahead is clear for dynamic action, charming/ superficial, self-confident/cocky, daring/foolhardy, adventurous/restless, passionate/hot-tempered
The path ahead is clear for dynamic action. Be confident and explore new, fun adventures. Travel is also indicated. This card can represent a sexual explore who may not be serious about commitment.
- Charming..........Superficial
- is physically attractive..........focuses on style and appearance
disarms opposition with a smile..........can be thoughtless and insensitive
is sexy and seductive..........pursues sexual conquests
generates glamour and excitement..........avoids deep or serious matters
is honey-tongued..........may say or do what's expedient - Self-confident..........Cocky
- totally lacks self-doubt..........overestimates abilities
has a can-do attitude..........may boast and brag
is convinced of his or her talent..........exaggerates accomplishments
is self-assured at all times..........is brash and nervy
doesn't sweat the small stuff..........is sometimes presumptuous - Daring..........Foolhardy
- will risk anything without fear..........is reckless and rash
will tackle what others avoid..........will endanger self and others
is the first to volunteer for danger..........doesn't give danger due respect
loves being a hero..........is impetuous
boldly goes where no one has gone before..........is a daredevil - Adventurous..........Restless
- loves travel and new experiences..........is never content to be still
seeks novelty and change..........can't set down roots or make ties
makes things happen..........lacks inner peace and serenity
rises to every challenge..........won't stop to smell the roses
is footloose and fancy-free..........must have constant stimulation - Passionate..........Hot-tempered
- is easily roused to action..........angers easily
feels strong loyalties..........is too ready for a fight
feels everything powerfully..........lashes out when riled
takes a vocal stand..........often acts without thinking
jumps in with both feet.........may have a chip on his or her shoulder
Q: Which suits are represented?
Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?
Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?
Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully.
Remember, "~ you can't get EVERYTHING and do EVERYTHING at the same time. " want to get something? abandon something! to move forward something? slow down something! start something? end something! ,,,Life is always in a balance.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, you lost something? you learn/earn something from it!