Thursday, May 24, 2012

V. Day 11

7: Seven of Swards
= Valor yet struggle, Aggression, defiance, conviction

Valour during struggle, striving to stand your ground and maintain your work, yet unsure of your actions. Look within and seek clarity concerning which arena you wish to place your energies, and whether it is best to continue your current projects. 
Take a firm stand. Believe in your position and yourself.

being aggressive
going after what you want
asserting yourself
taking the offensive
firing the first shot
making your point forcefully
seizing the advantage
being defiant
holding out against pressure
defending your position
opposing all challengers
combating criticism
refusing to yield
saying "No!"
resisting authority
showing conviction
being sure
having a fixed position
demonstrating strong character
standing up for what you believe
knowing you are right
acting resolutely
being firm

9: Nine of Pentacles
= Wealth, Disagreement, competition, hassles

Plenty, success, reward, comfort, financial well being, good management of material affairs, accumulation of wealth, and appreciation of beauty. 
If you're to achieve your best efforts, show restrain and self-contral like "Our elegant lady". 

being disciplined
exercising self-control
showing restraint
reining in impulses
sacrificing to reach a goal
sticking to a program
taking a step-by-step approach
relying on yourself
handling the situation alone
acting on your own
falling back on your own resources
doing it all by yourself
wanting to be alone
feeling sure your way is best
pursuing refinement
achieving a comfortable lifestyle
avoiding the coarse and unsavory
being tactful and diplomatic
seeking high-minded activities
enjoying the finer things of life
remembering to be gracious
enjoying leisure

5: Five of Cups
= Disappointment, depression, Bereavement, loss, regret

Emotional depression, loss, sadness. Weep and grieve to release the inner disappointment. Yet two CUPS are still full, and the bridge over the river in the background shows that a new path is not far away. 

suffering a loss
letting go of a hope
giving up the win
experiencing a setback
being defeated
having a possession taken away
saying good-bye
feeling bereft
breaking up a relationship
feeling deprived of love
longing to be reunited
feeling sorrow
feeling regret
being disappointed by events
crying over spilt milk
wanting to turn back the clock
wishing for what might have been
believing you made the wrong choice
acknowledging mistakes

Q: Which suits are represented?

Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?

Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?

Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully. 

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