Tuesday, May 1, 2012

IV. Day 1

4: Four of Wands
= Completed projects, celebration, freedom, excitement

Success and prosperity is indicated. Now is the time to finish projects and then celebrate. Complete activities and tie up loose ends. 

rejoicing over a happy event
recognizing a success
observing an anniversary, milestone or special time
congratulating on a job well-done
reflecting on accomplishments
enjoying some well-deserved rewards
taking part in a ceremony or rite
seeking freedom
getting out of an oppressive situation
breaking free of bonds
cutting loose
opening to new possibilities
escaping unhappy circumstances
claiming self-determination
letting go of limitations
feeling excited
bubbling over with delight
feeling thrilled
look forward expectantly
getting caught up in the moment
feeling jubilant
relishing the moment
being surprised

10: Ten of Cups
= Satisfaction, contentment, Joy, peace, family

Satisfaction, happy family life, true friendship and spiritual fulfillment.

feeling joy
embracing happiness
having a sense of well-being
radiating love
delighting in good fortune
counting your blessings
expressing delight
enjoying peace
experiencing serenity
doing away with hostilities
restoring harmony
reducing stress and tension
feeling contented and at ease
calling a truce
looking to the family
working for peace in the home
going on a family event
reaffirming a family commitment
supporting a relative in need
bonding with family members
forgiving someone in the family

7: Chariot
= Clear path, Victory, will self-assertion, hard control

your path is clear and focused. Energies are harnessed, progress is made, and goals can be attained. You are a triumphant, victorious, and successful winner. You can cover much ground. 

achieving victory
reaching your goal
being successful
coming out on top
beating the competition
using your will
being determined to succeed
focusing your intent
rising above temptation
letting nothing distract you
sustaining an effort
concentrating your energies
fixing on a goal
asserting yourself
being ego-focused
establishing an identify
knowing who you are
feeling self-confident
having faith in yourself
looking out for your interests
achieving hard control
mastering emotions
curbing impulses
maintaining discipline
holding in anger
getting your way
assuming the reins of power
showing authority

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