Wednesday, May 9, 2012

IV. Day 7

21: World
= Unlimited wonder, Integration, accomplishment, involvement, fulfillment

Realization of the unlimited beauty and wonder of the WORLD. The UNIVERSE is abundant as you dance the dance of life and know fulfillment.

experiencing wholeness
bringing parts together
achieving dynamic balance
creating synthesis
joining together
working in unison
realizing your goals
achieving your heart's desire
seeing dreams come true
finding a beautiful solution
becoming involved
rendering a service
using a gift or talent
sharing what you have
giving of yourself
feeling engaged
being active
feeling fulfilled
savoring the present
taking pleasure in life
enjoying peace of mind
getting satisfaction
finding contentment
counting your blessings

6: Six of Wands
= Victory, Triumph, acclaim, pride

Victorious action, optimism, advancement, positive outcome, recognition or praise, and healthy use of creative energy. 

having your day in the sun
being vindicated
walking away with the prize
prevailing against all comers
coming out on top
achieving success
receiving acclaim
being acknowledged
getting a pat on the back
receiving an award or citation
getting praise or a compliment
earning applause
achieving recognition
feeling pride
enjoying healthy self-esteem
strutting your stuff
holding your head up high
feeling worthy of notice
having a high opinion of yourself
putting yourself above others
being arrogant
feeling self-important

5: Five of Wands
= Strife, Disagreement, competition, hassles

Competition, chaos, petty problem, and struggle. There are problems concerning what you wish to do. You are held back, imprisoned, or overwhelmed. There is little support for your actions. It is time to check your ego. 

Remember that all "fire cards"(=Wands) symbolize action. FIVE OF WANDS restriction applies to the ability to take action, to accomplish an intended task, to be able to do. 

feeling everyone is at cross-purposes
being torn by dissension
quarreling, arguing and bickering
becoming embroiled in a debate
being at odds with others
quibbling over details
experiencing competition
feeling the thrill of the contest
going against an opponent
rising to the challenge
being involved in a game or sport
trying to outdo yourself
going for the gold
looking for a fight
having a rival
being challenged by an upstart
experiencing hassles
getting annoyed by demands
having minor setbacks
needing to take care of details
suffering from irritations
being bothered by trivialities

Q: Which suits are represented?

Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?

Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?

Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully. 

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