Wednesday, April 25, 2012

III. Day 3

13: Knight of Pentacles
= Stagnation, lull in actions, fallow fields

Life is slow, stagnation, lull in activity. The field is fallow. A time to rest. Do not overreach. Powerful endeavors are not favored at this time. You are not ready. Instead, be patient, persistent, dependable, and attend to details. Do not overspend and avoid extreams. It it better to go slow than too fast. 

is dogged in pursuit of a hardheaded and obstinate
will not quit..........digs into a position
stands firm against opposition..........must have his or her own way
stays fixed to a chosen course..........refuses to listen to reason
keeps true to personal convictions..........resists compromise

checks and too conservative
examines all angles beforehand..........misses chances by waiting
proceeds slowly and reluctant to try something new
prefers the safe, known path..........settles for safe, small gains
is prudent and afraid of risking

takes care of every detail..........does not know when to quit
is too picky
wraps up all loose ends..........must have everything just so
never leaves a job half inflexible and compulsive
is painstaking..........insists on perfection
completes anything started..........can't leave well enough alone

is willing to look at the facts..........concentrates on what's wrong
faces the truth..........thinks others are dreamers
is not lured by false hopes..........sees a glass as half empty, not half full
assesses circumstances candidly..........takes the gloomy view
predicts problems in advance..........dooms a project from the start

becomes dedicated to a task..........focuses too narrowly on work
is diligent and industrious..........can be humorless and grim
produces as much as two people..........sees playtime as wasteful
tackles any chore vigorously..........drives everyone too hard
is tireless and unflagging..........forgets life should be fun

8: Eight of Sword
= Interference, confusion, restriction, powerlessness

Metal overwhelm, exhaustion, and confusion. Obtain clarity about what really requires your attention. Make a list of all the things to do that are overwhelming you, and only do two or three things from the list. 

Remember that you do have choices, and you do have power. No matter how trapped you feel, you can find a way out if you believe it is possible. Solutions are not always easy, but they exist. Find your clarity of thought and purpose (the swords) and use them to take that first step toward home. 

feeling restricted

being fenced in by obstacles
staying in a limited situation
feeling trapped by circumstances
experiencing few options
being blind to freedom
feeling persecuted

feeling confused
being unsure which way to turn
feeling at a loss
lacking direction
feeling overwhelmed
floundering around
needing guidance and clarity
not understanding what is happening

feeling powerless
waiting for outside rescue
doubting anything you do will help
avoiding responsibility
looking for a white knight
feeling victimized
accepting inaction

7: Chariot
= Clear path, Victory, will, self-assertion, hard control

Your path is clear and focused. Energies are harnessed, progress is made, and goals can be attained. You are a triumphant, victorious, and successful winner. You can cover much ground. Picture Julius Caesar riding his chariot triumphantly into Rome ="the spirit" = the positive aspect of the ego

achieving victory
reaching your goal
being successful
coming out on top
beating the competition

using your will
being determined to succeed
focusing your intent
rising above temptation
letting nothing distract you
sustaining an effort
concentrating your energies
fixing on a goal

asserting yourself
being ego-focused
establishing an identify
knowing who you are
feeling self-confident
having faith in yourself
looking out for your interests

achieving hard control
mastering emotions
curbing impulses
maintaining discipline
holding in anger
getting your way
assuming the reins of power
showing authority

Q: Which suits are represented?

Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?

Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?

Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully. 

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