Monday, April 16, 2012

II. Day 5

Past: 2 of Wands
= Set goals, Personal power, boldness, originality

Assess your domain and vigorously set goals. Then pursue them with focused attention until they are accomplished and success is attained. The ability to courageously overcome obstacles. "Do", "Action"

having personal power

commanding attention and respect
directing those around you
holding the world in your hands
wielding influence
calling the shots
having authority
swaying others to your position
being able to achieve your goals

being bold
daring to do what you want
taking a risk
gambling events will go your way
confronting the situation head-on
taking the initiative
speaking your mind
facing fear directly
taking the bull by the horns
seizing the day

showing originality
doing what no one else has done
creating your own style
being a pioneer
taking a different approach
inventing something new
diverging from the crowd
marching to a different drummer

Present: 10 of Cups
= Satisfaction, contentment, Joy, peace, family

Satisfation, happy family life, true friendship, and spiritual fulfillment.

feeling joy

embracing happiness
having a sense of well-being
radiating love
delighting in good fortune
counting your blessings
expressing delight

enjoying peace
experiencing serenity
doing away with hostilities
restoring harmony
reducing stress and tension
feeling contented and at ease
calling a truce

looking to the family
working for peace in the home
going on a family event
reaffirming a family commitment
supporting a relative in need
bonding with family members
forgiving someone in the family

Future: Queen of Wands
= Express your power and creativity, Attractive, wholehearted, energetic, cheerful, self-assured

Express your creativity and power. Go out and do. Don't hide your light. Wear the crown and be queen for a day. The outcome is favorable if you act now with passion, courage, and brilliance. 


is appealing and popular
creates a powerful first impression
makes friends easily
has great sex appeal
is warm and outgoing

is loaded with enthusiasm
tackles a task with total dedication
gives the utmost in any situation
is open and sincere
doesn't hold anything back

leads a busy and active life
is vigorous and strong
radiates health and vitality
has an inner vibrancy
is a natural athlete

is optimistic and upbeat
has an encouraging word for all
brightens whatever room he or she is in
has a warm and sunny disposition
can shake off the blues easily

quietly demonstrates self-confidence
handles any situation with aplomb
can't be easily rattled or provoked
is spontaneous and gracious in defeat
has faith in his or her abilities

Q: Which suits are represented?

Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?

Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?

Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully. 

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