Wednesday, April 18, 2012

II. Day 7

Past: 10 Wheel of Fortune
= Expansion, luck,  Destiny, turning point. movement, personal vision

Door will open and all the things will be much better than you can possibly imagine. Prosperity will descend on you. You will evolve out of a situation that is getting you nowheres. Set your sight high, and Jupiter will set them even higher and higher. 

feeling a sense of destiny

using what chance offers
seeing life's threads weave together
finding opportunity in an accident
opening to luck
sensing the action of fate
witnessing miracles

being at a turning point
moving in a different direction
turning things around
having a change in fortune
altering the present course
being surprised at a turn of events

feeling movement
experiencing change
having the tempo of life speed up
being swept up in new developments
rejoining the world of activity
getting involved

having a personal vision
seeing how everything connects
becoming more aware
uncovering patterns and cycles
expanding your outlook
gaining greater perspective
discovering your role and purpose

Present: Queen of Cups
= Emotional maturity, trust and follow your intuition, Loving, tender-heated, intuitive, psychic, spiritual

Trust and follow your feeling. Feel the joy of giving and recieving. Be receptive to psychic impressions and dreams. This is a creative time to express inner feeling and unconscious urges, or to nurture oneself and others. Love, peace, and happiness are indicated. 


turns away wrath with caring
is unconditionally accepting
is sensitive to the feelings of others
dispels anger and hate
has infinite patience

is easily moved by another's pain
reacts with sensitivity and compassion
is kind and gentle with all creatures
can never turn away someone in need
feels what others are feeling

is always tuned to emotional undercurrents
senses the climate of a situation
is guided by the heart
trusts an inner sense of what is true
understands without having to ask

is open to the unconscious
has a well-developed sixth sense
can have a telepathic bond with another
has a finely-tuned sensibility
is a natural medium

feels oneness with God and the universe
has reverence for all life
finds joy in communion
appreciates the deeper meanings of life
sees the world as a holy place

Future: Knight of Cups
= Fortune, advancement, salvation

If you are stuck or stagnant, he will bring good luck, inspiration, advancement, new opportunities and friends, and emotional fulfillment. He is a spiritual WHEEL OF FORTUNE. 

idealizes love..........lacks self-restraint
emphasizes often jealous
concentrates on the poetry of life..........tends to be gushy and melodramatic
remembers special occasions..........blows hot and cold in affections
expresses sentiments beautifully..........brings flowers, but forgets to put gas in the car

can tap the fertile unconscious..........indulges in idle daydreams
looks beyond the obvious..........has big ideas that come to nothing
never takes the mundane path..........has an unrealistic approach
spins marvelous tales..........has an overactive imagination
is visionary..........can shade the truth

is aware of moods and prone to mood swings
helps others open up..........can be petulant and sulky
responds deeply to life..........gels melancholy and depressed
understands the pains of others..........broods excessively
is tactful and diplomatic..........takes offense easily

appreciates beauty in all forms..........leaves dirty work to others
seeks the finest..........can't face unpleasantness
creates a pleasing environment..........lacks robust good health
understands subtlety..........emphasizes style over substance
is suave and gracious..........gets overwhelmed by pressure

values the inner life..........focuses inward to excess
tries to understand why..........avoids active participation
questions driven to self-examination
seeks self-improvement..........exaggerates personal failings
sees below the surface..........can't relax around others

Q: Which suits are represented?

Q: What is YOUR divinatory meaning?

Q: How do these three card apply to the situation?

Q: What else do you see when looking at the three cards? The picture tells the tale, so look carefully. 

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